Firstly, before talking in detail about the circumstances under which a refund will be granted to you, we need to tell you the background behind our Refund Policy:
Refund for Program Download:
If at any time within 14 days of paying for the Program download you request cancellation of your subscription, then we undertake to refund you in full following your request to us to do so provided that your request to cancel your subscription is emailed to, and clearly notifies us of the following:
Where you are validly due a refund for cancelling within that 14-day period, then we undertake to refund you as soon as possible in full accordance with PayPal's refund policy. However, if you cancel after that 14-day period has expired, no refund will be due, and the Program will cease to function within 14 days thereafter, as will all copies of the Program you downloaded that were loaded onto the computers of others.
No refund will be made if the request for refund is made if more than14 days has elapsed since you subscribed to download the Program.
Refund for Current Season’s Weekly Updates:
If at any time within 7 days of paying for the current season’s weekly updates you request cancellation of your subscription, then we undertake to refund you following your request to us to do so as described above for cancellation of paying for the download of the Program.
If you request cancellation of your subscription after 7 days of paying for the current season’s weekly updates, then the refund amount will be calculated taking into account the total number of weekly updates that were available for you to download and that number will then be rounded off in the normal fashion to the nearest 10 in order to determine which Service Period each such week is to be charged against. The total cost so calculated will then be offset against the amount you paid, and we will then refund you 75% only of the balance figure to compensate for our administrative fees.
As an example, suppose you pay for a Service Period of 40 weeks (£188.00) and then cancel after only 14 weeks. We will then charge 14 weeks at the rate of £6.80 a week to arrive at a total of £95.20 for the services supplied, which would leave a gross balance of £92.80, thus we would refund you £69.60 (£92.80 x 0.75).
Should we fail to provide the current season’s weekly updates to you for any given week (from Monday of that week until the following Sunday of that same week) where suitable matches for selection were being played (whether such failure was due to server failure or any other reason whatsoever), then for each such full week of unprovided Services we will automatically add on an extra week to your account (and which you can check by reference to your “My Account” details).